Injured Birds

If you find a sick or injured bird anywhere in Monterey County or San Benito County, you should contact the SPCA for Monterey County. Their Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is the only licensed rehabilitation center in our county. Learn more about the work they do on their website.
Wildlife Center Phone Number: (831) 264-5427
If you live in Santa Cruz County you should contact Native Animal Rescue if you find an injured animal or have wildlife-related questions.
Most of the seabirds that come into care to the SPCA of Monterey County eventually get transferred to International Bird Rescue (IBR) in Fairfield, CA to finalize waterproofing. IBR also is home to the top seabird veterinarian, Dr. Rebecca Duerr, who will take Monterey County patients with extreme but fixable injuries, like pelicans with torn gular pouches. Follow their amazing work online.
Sea otters (injured/stranded/fresh-dead):
Monterey Bay Aquarium SORAC office: (831) 648-4829
Marine mammals (not sea otters):
Marine Mammal Center in Moss Landing: (831) 633-6298
A helpful resource if you are traveling outside of the Monterey region is the Animal Help Now website and app. It will direct you to the closest wildlife rehabilitator no matter where you are in the US.